Tuesday, July 20, 2010

6/19 update

What's up playa playas?

Well, I wouldn't say I've been grinding to the fullest of my potential, but I've definitely been grinding as much or more than I ever have.
I've missed a few days of play because I've been going out a lot lately and getting drinks (and drunk). My sleep schedule is all fucked up, as always, so some days I wake up at 7-8pm and get a call to go out with some friends.

Poker has been going well. I picked a good time to get on my grind because I've been doing some crushing lately.

I've played around 700 games and am up right around $9.5k after rakeback. I did miss a few full days and 1 or 2 half days of grinding but I'm still on pace to play >1,200 this month and if my results continue on anything similar to this trend I'll be very happy with the month of July.

I'm not so sure how possible getting top20 FTP leaderboard will be. I'm not very far off (32) and if I don't skip days I think I can still make it, but it's going to be tougher than I thought.
On the other hand, I remembered the site I am signed up to has a monthly Rake Race and the other day when I got a gander at it I was 2nd on the LB, not far behind first. 1st is $1,200 so I'm hoping I can bag that, but ultimately anything in the top 3 is OK with me.

I haven't done much coaching this month, in fact I really need to fix my schedule because there are 3 guys I really like who wanted to book some time but so far I haven't been able to get around to it.

With the good poker month and the active social life I would think I'd be more happy then I am right now. To be honest I've felt kind of down mostly and I need to turn that around. I hate getting all emo. I haven't been to the gym in forever. Maybe I'll do that tonight.

Well, I'm going to go grab some late night McD's. See you guys later.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Week

I don't plan on always doing weekly results updates but whatever it's 6am and I can't sleep so...

270 games, $3,240 profit.

Not bad. I did miss 2 full days of play like I said last post, and today I only played around 30 games because I just couldn't get focused.

Life outside of poker has been pretty boring. I really haven't gotten out of the house much in the last two weeks or so. Not that I really mind, I kind of wanted to take a break from going out every night, but now I think I'm starting to get a little stir-crazy especially since I'm living by myself.

Made it to the gym again today. I had been missing a ton of workouts over the last month or two and am trying to get back in the swing of things. I've already seen great improvements from the gym but I really need to stick with it if I want to see the results I really want.

... alright I'm going to try to get some sleep. Nite.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good Day

Didn't get to play any poker last two days because of prior engagements + waking up way too late. Last night (4th of July) I woke up around 7:30pm, went out, got back and took a nap from 3am - 5am. Went to the gym around 7:30am, got back took a 5hr energy and grinded poker for a little over 5 hours.
Games were loading really slow so I only got in 47 games but I played and ran really well. Made something like $2,400 after rakeback.

I'm about to pass out now but I figured I'd share a good day with you guys. Back to the grind when I wake up.

This is what makes it all possible:

And here are my July results so far:


Friday, July 2, 2010

Still at it

Good news: I've still been grinding!

I'm running insanely bad but still trucking along. I have some July goals that I wanted to share with you guys

- 1,200+ games (av stake >$100)
- Top 20 on the FTP high-limit SnG Leader-Board
- Review a solid amount (coaching my students counts)

That's it. No profit goals or anything like that. If I play 1,200 games I should make around $4k in rakeback, and another $1k (if not more) in bonuses. I can't control how I run so there is no point in setting any profit goals for such a small sample of games.

I got the random motivation to become one of the top SnG players, which means I need to make sure I play solid and most importantly put in a shit ton of volume. Because in the end all that matters is how much money you make - I could be the best player in the world (trust me, I'm not) but if I keep playing less than 1,000 games (sometimes 0) a month I'm not going to accomplish anything but just getting by.

Today only managed to get 40 games in 4 hours because for some reason they were running deathly slow. I would've played an hour or two more but there were literally no $119s or $236s with anyone but me in the lobby for a good 15 minutes and I only had 3 tables running at the time.